Friday, January 05, 2007

I had a very long holiday which started on the 7th of December and ends on the 8th of January. That's like, what, 4 weeks? To make my holiday somehow sweeter, I only have 2 assignments to finish and one of them can be done in only about 3-4 hours. One good thing about being in the first semester is that I won’t be needed to write any thousands words essay and for now and the closest thing is almost certainly scripting lab reports. So, being left with two so-called simple works, I did the only thing one is expected to do in this quandary, which was to procrastinate. That was about a month ago.

And now, my holiday has only 2 days left and I guess I better stop procrastinate and start to reach out for my assignments which is still there fermenting on the table since I got back from the dark-end Banting. And I guess it is a typical symptom of holiday-end – fair enough, I’m as usual in total menggelabah mode doing assignments and at koleq we called it ‘menggagau’.

Anyway, I will get my semester result in 3 days time. My soon-withdrawal from the blogosphere would in all probability due to the catastrophic tsunami-like semester result of mine. Blame pure maths.

P.S. Quoted from Albert Einstein, I don't believe in mathematics, and being such a loyal believer of him after he made me stunned over his famous relativity theory and theory of everything, I undoubtedly second him.

posted by Izham Ismail at 1:34 pm | Permalink |