Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Dream, Try, Fall
I extended MARA College Banting football team losing streak to four games in a row today. Here is how it all goes,

MCB 1 : 2 KMM

"Lawa captain armband? Setakat armband lawa, kalah buat ape.."

The whole season was one of turmoil under me. I’m getting nervous to the lead the team for SUKOMA, which I enjoyed so much playing as a junior player last year. But the track record would give anyone an idea about how miserable things went through with me wearing the black captain armband. I don't for one moment believe that was due to any strategic error of the player’s part. It was my mistake all the time. What a lousy captain I am, failed to win anything in a given one long year. And the most heartrending moment is when others look down on the team, quietly laughing over our loss, and I am not blaming them but myself.

Doesn't look good on me though. Does it worth wearing?

The years since have been only slightly less fruitful. I’m just hoping that we will do better next time. Just that.

P.S. Lousy Zizou says sorry to the team he failed to lead, and the crowd he failed to entertain.
posted by Izham Ismail at 9:42 pm | Permalink |


  • At 27 April, 2007 15:10, Blogger safian

    Dah la am..mengaku je la yang team MCB tak terer ..hahaha

  • At 28 April, 2007 09:38, Blogger Amirul Hafidz

    am, there's an unspoken, most crucial rule of being a captain; do not EVER let ur teammates down, no matter how terrible the circumstance is, or how lousy u feel u are. once they're down, the team is considered lost, when actually they have yet to step into the battlefield.

    kire pura2 confident la ape jadik pun. hahaha.

    from an ex-captain himself

  • At 28 April, 2007 12:44, Blogger Izham Ismail

    thanks dude. the unspoken rule is here to stay in my heart.

  • At 28 April, 2007 13:10, Blogger a k |

    ala am..bebudak nye otak semua kat tempat lain kot....ko buat cam mukhlis buat kat rugby...menjerit time on the foeld suro focus...penin pale aku dibuatnye...hohooh:P

  • At 28 April, 2007 18:01, Anonymous Anonymous

    come on am!!cheer up..u still have time to develop ur team to the fullest