Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I was in English Club meeting the other day when I felt like surfing on, my favorite website to get at the moment football news and gossips. Having being a fan for for nearly a decade, I have so much of respect to the team of journalists and author for coming up with genius thoughts and brilliant insights on the world of football. But that night, really made me laugh, and they did it big time.

Typo it was, and it was on the front page! And it was the headline I was talking about, where they misspelled the name of the team I hated most. But they say, a slip of the tongue (in this case, fingertips), is not a foul of the mind. Anyway, is still my favorite though and will always be.

P.S. I was hoping they spelt ASSien over Essien.

posted by Izham Ismail at 2:34 pm | Permalink |


  • At 18 May, 2007 14:20, Anonymous Anonymous

    erm..i bet sum people are rite.we pay most of our attention for what we favour the da most and what we dont.the title was being da first thing to ctch ur eyes cause u hate chelsea,i supposed.effortlessly,it became ur laughing stock.hhmmphh..and i wonder if ur fav team is misspelled,wud it still arouse the smile on ur face?=)

    no offense.nway..nice writing.

  • At 19 May, 2007 12:12, Blogger Izham Ismail

    haha if such thing happens, i would be the first person to laugh then. who the hell couldn't spell liverpool? in a way, you are right, anything that shows the asshole-ness of chelsea would definitely be my laughing matter.

  • At 20 May, 2007 17:18, Anonymous Anonymous

    hurm..interrupting i am again=))
    ey,i'd be da first person to walk infront and punch u wholeheartedly at face if its written fr above i witness u do dat.oops!im talking craps.dont even know who u're but d innner urge pushes me to view again this see ur reply regarding da former comment.haha!
    nway,gud luck then for ur darling team on this 23rd.