Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Selera Carey

8.01 pm

It is just minutes away from my dinner time and I am currently waiting for my friends to prepare themselves. I am belatedly left behind every now and then and today, it is my turn to wait for them. Well I wonder what is on the menu today – not so much to be awaited I guess, since food in KMB is not that desirable. I just have to gobble whatever they serve though – since my pocket money wouldn’t allow me to enjoy the luxury café rations. Every single day, during this time of the day, the dinner time, Koleq days has always haunted me without failing. I miss Koleq humble Carey Hall damn much and I miss the vibrant atmosphere created when we enjoy our delicious food. With juniors around, it was the time of the day when we can have a chat and update about ourselves. And the best part is when the prefect on duty giving his announcement of the day, which is highly awaited and anticipated by the audience, whom fervently looking for any he-she sound and any new vocab the prefect about to make. If there is any, the hall will go frenzied with laughter. And of course, words of advice from the wardens could also be the highlight of the day – with the audience submissively listening, and at the same time looking for those two ‘flammable’ things. And if not the emcees or anyone with mic, then colleagues at the same table could also contribute something to be embodied in my memory. It is still fresh in my mind of Apoz, who has been a fantastic in delegating task to the juniors – to buy soy sauce, ketchups and pepper (humble ingredient that could turn a humble nasi putih to a piece of superb culinary art), and Zaim, head of the table, who has been a great companion with his mind-pondering notions – well, it had been a pleasure to have a conversation with once best orator in the country in him. And the moment prefect on duty stood to recite the closing prayer, then the moment of breathtaking eating experience would come to an end – and there was always tomorrow for to look forward to, as I slowly making my exit through the hall’s door and proceed my way for night prep, hoping that the table would still be there tomorrow.

And now, they are just another chapter in my memories.

Since this is my third semester in KMB, I tried very hard to cherish every single thing to make this place not as dreadful as anyone would suggest – and maybe I should try to cherish every single moment at KMB by starting to appreciate the Dewan Selera. Maybe I will be missing this place even more, who knows?

P.S. Ah shit, they are all waiting for me. I am late, again.

posted by Izham Ismail at 3:40 pm | Permalink |