So, you've got yourself pissed off.
Without knowing it, you are already playing the game they know you won't win, but they love to see you how you play it.
They just love to see you lose.
Within minutes, your dictionary of profanities dries up.
Now you struggle to be creative, you struggle to come up with something intelligent.
They just love to see you struggle.
Your creativity is a bane - they want you to believe that.
You start to get more upset, you retaliate in the way they want you to react.
You think you have won the battle.
They are laughing now, for you are the biggest loser of all.
Punch harder, the thing you wish you did.
Witholdeth from anger, the thing you couldn't.
Now He abandons you,
Because you got yourself pissed off.
Poor you. Poor you. Poor you.
This is what you get when you chose them over Him.
nice blog