Jalan-jalan terpijak kaca,
Bijak pandai tak pakai selipar,
Kalau tuan tidak membaca,
Jangan cuba nak cakap besar.
Man exceeds all bounds when he thinks he is self-sufficient. - The Clinging Form: 6-7
Good luck in exams, hamba-hamba Tuhan sekalian.
P.S. Can somebody tell me how to raise USD300 in a month without doing anything legally and morally wrong?
Hello there, I visit your blog almost every time you update (which shows I very much enjoy your writings).
But I wish you could provide two-way communication in your blog, I mean, when people post a comment, you reply back on your thoughts, especially if he/she would want a respond from you. That would be great.
Just a suggestion. Cheers.