Title - Yang Berhormat Yossi Benayoun.
If not because of this bloke's brilliant timely pin-point pass, Torres wouldn't have scored. Other than his bedazzling trickery and control of the ball, he put colour when Lucas put shit on the painting, and that alone should be enough to make him a favourite.
I don't think he's had enough credit for what he has done.
Indeed, he is my favorite Jew. I hope Rafa won't leave him behind when Aquilani starts kicking the first team football.
Oh, should I be more excited for the win? Absolutely, but I'll do it after Selangor's quarter final exit pain is healed.
I've posted this on my Facebook page as a reminder to myself: Tak menang EPL tak apa, janji menang lawan Man Utd. Well done Reds, and cong-Reds-tulation, as I tweet-ed it. Pardon me, self-quoting is worse than taking pictures of youself using your right hand.
Anyway, knock knock! Who's there? Owen.
Owen who?
ad tweet? nak id