Monday, December 20, 2010
This is one of the nights I woke up not to a glorious morning, but to a confused premonition why I feel so rested after a mere two hours of sleep. I am quite sure that it must be placebo effect The Green Book has given me prior my departure to the snooze land. Speaking of which, I am fairly worried with the pace of my reading.

I could dribble between the words like Lionel Messi and now I can feel the Messi is aging. I realized I have been neglecting the need to nourish myself with literature and hard-covers because most of the time I have to juggle legal notes and lengthy decided cases for grades.

But yeah, I can tell myself that when this happens, I have to get on to the pitch more often - because Messi moments come with hard work.

So come on placebo effect, stay with me until the last chapter of this bloody book.

And to all of you, may your day is as illustrious as Barcelona's fluid performances.

posted by Izham Ismail at 2:57 am | Permalink |