"Amman nak kawan dengan big girl je, tak nak kawan dengan little girl."
Kenapa nak kawan dengan big girl je?
"Sebab big girl ada tetek."
Meet Amman, my nephew.
"Amman nak kawan dengan big girl je, tak nak kawan dengan little girl."
Kenapa nak kawan dengan big girl je?
"Sebab big girl ada tetek."
Meet Amman, my nephew.
It seems in Malaysia there now exist groups that refuse to make our country work. Failing to realize the unique social and cultural framework that we have, either through sheer stupidity or a much sinister agenda, they continually harp on issues that they know to be sensitive and delicate, in the name of that oh-so-familiar slogan of free speech. Regretfully, these exact same groups often forget about the importance of ‘responsible conduct’ when they embrace that convenient slogan. I am all for free speech, don’t get me wrong. But I am also totally against stupidity and irresponsibility.
The controversial “Allah” issue should not be an issue in the first place, if those involved could be wise enough to put national harmony before any other goals. I am not a theology scholar, so I would not attempt to address this issue from that angle. Furthermore, I see the unrestrained and zealous comments of those without knowledge and expertise, on everything under the sun, to be the main cause of the bulk of the problems we have today.
Allah is an Arabic word that had been used in the Malay world since the coming of Islam to this region. Historical chronology suggests that Muslim traders, whom arrived earlier compared to Christian missionaries, were those responsible for the introduction. The study of linguistics and semantics will tell us that words are “sounds” that we give meaning to. The process in which a word acquires its meaning and significance is a complex and interesting study of human consciousness. We will not go deep into the technicalities of these processes, but suffice to say that local culture, usage and convention play a major role in assessing the significance and concept that a word embodies.
It is true that in the Arab world “Allah” is the common term for god. However, in our country, through many centuries of usage and adaptation, that same term had gained a more specific meaning with Islamic connotation. It had become a proper noun (this is why “Allah” is always written with a capital A), and as all those who had paid attention in grammar class would know, proper nouns always refer to something specific. The Malay language provides more common terms to refer to god(s) of other faiths, examples being ‘tuhan,’ ‘dewa’ and ‘dewi.’ These terms can be variously used as a common or proper noun, depending on context.
The arguments that suggests “Allah” should be used by faiths other than Islam, just because the Arabs and Indonesian Christians are using it, from a linguist’s view, is redundant, and from a nationalist’s view, preposterous. Context differs with locality, and evidently our situation and context is different from those countries. One thing that we can’t get our head around is why should we follow Indonesia’s lead? Had this country proven to be a better model for a country, in any aspect, compared to us? Why must we, after 53 years of independence, look towards a country that had on many occasions showed hostility towards us, for a solution? What is the use of being independent if we continually admire the conventions from abroad, rather than developing and having confidence in our own system?
The usage of the term “Allah” differs between East Malaysia and the Peninsula. In the Peninsula the term embodies strong Islamic connotation. The Christians here do not and never have used the term “Allah” to refer to god. In East Malaysia, however, the native Christians do use it. My Christian friends from Sarawak told me that yes they do use the term, but they always make the distinction by using “Tuan Allah” when referring to their god. They understand the confusion that could be created by the casual use of “Allah,” and they, like the Muslim natives of East Malaysia, did not like the idea of confusion. For them, if one was to convert to any religion, one should not be confused as to which god one is submitting oneself to.
Christianity exists in various sects throughout the world. The liturgical languages used in the services differ with sect and location. The Vatican Catholics use Latin. The various Eastern Orthodoxies use Russian, Armenian, and Greek etc. The Coptic uses Arabic, while the Syriacs are probably the only church left still using the original language of Jesus, Aramaic. The plethora of languages used for services, and the lack of effort to reestablish Aramaic as the liturgical language (since it was the language spoken by Jesus himself), seems to suggest the name by whom god is called is not of central importance in Christian doctrine. If it was of grave concern, it would have been corrected a long time ago, in the various councils convened throughout Christian history. The use and adaptations of the various liturgical languages were accepted and tolerated by the original, pre-Christian practitioners of those languages. We assume that none of these communities opposed the absorption of their languages as a liturgical language by the Christian community. It seems to us that The Herald, through its active pursuit of this issue, is trying to break from the Christian convention, by imposing their will on the Malay language. This is despite the clear opposition and resistance of a majority of the original practitioners, the Malays. This makes us wonder the level of respect those from The Herald have with regards to the Malay community, in contrast to their predecessors who were in contact with the pre-Christian communities whose languages are now part of Christian liturgical practices. We would feel very much sad for the Christian faith, if its image of toleration and love is marred by The Herald, which seems adamant about imposing its will on a visibly reluctant community.
Maybe those from The Herald were not aware of the linguistic connotation and significance of the term “Allah,” and how it applied to the Malaysian context. We will give them the benefit of the doubt. They were testing waters unexplored. However, what we find unsettling is the zeal with which they are pursuing the issue. Muslims had clearly expressed their grievances and disagreement when this issue started, long before it spiraled into the chaos that it is now. It appears to us that those from The Herald were not wise enough to lay off the case when the ban was made by the Government. They decided that no, they had to bring it to another level. We say this action was unwise because they failed to realize the dire consequences it had on our social harmony. It doesn’t take a university education to see that tensions were brewing (then). Let us hope that this is just a case of poor judgment and lack of wisdom on the part of those from The Herald. We would be damned as a nation, if they did actually know exactly what they were doing. Stupidity can be forgiven, but malicious intent is much graver.
We Malaysians cannot begin to describe how angry we are at those responsible for the church and surau attacks. As I said earlier, I am totally against stupidity and irresponsibility. Hey morons, what did you think you were achieving by those attacks? The action was too stupid because it did not contribute to any solution. And do you honestly think that the Muslims and Christians will hail you as heroes for your cowardice? Why should they, after you smeared their image. Most Malaysians understand our faith well enough to know that it is strictly forbidden to cause damage to houses of worship. Whoever you are, we hope you will be sentenced the severest punishment. Scumbags like you are part of that group which I said refuse to make our country work. Please excuse my harsh language, but I put high emphasis on the exactness of meaning.
When Caliph Umar Al-Khattab entered Jerusalem, he was offered by the Patriarch of Jerusalem to pray inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. He refused, preferring to pray just outside it. Nothing in the doctrine of Islam or Christianity prevented him to pray in the church. It was only his foresight and good judgment that explained this action. He realized the implications the Christians will have if he did pray in it. He did not want future quarrels between Muslims and Christians over the significance of the church. Those with wisdom and good intent will never pursue anything just because they can. Doing things just for the sake of doing it, without much consideration for future implications is stupid, and might we say, destructive. We urge all those involved in this scandal to ponder the significance of Caliph Umar’s decision, and think about the consequences our actions today will have on the future.
I will refrain from making comments about the ruling made by Justice Lau. I will leave that task to the public. We believe that we are guaranteed the right to having our own opinion under the Constitution. We hope the next judge dealing with this case will impress us with a verdict worthy of the case. Please take into consideration the unique social and cultural framework that our country is based upon, and the consequences your judgments will have on the future of our harmony. We put our faith in the judicial system, so please do not disappoint us.
When the British granted us independence, they believed that we will become a failed nation, considering the social setting that they themselves had developed in our nation. So far we had proved them wrong. We must understand the unique and delicate situation that we are. Sensitivity and consideration must be employed in conducting ourselves. It will be such a shame if our actions today will contribute to the realization of what the British had predicted when they left us. For the sake of our nation, please ponder and think where we want our country to go from here. We decide.
Ku Ali
Remember the name, it's Ku Ali. In case you have forgotten already.
Petik pun sekadar tak nak bagi berhabuk. Tak apa, sedap telinga aku, sedap lah Playlist Di-Raja.
Playlist Di-Raja ada dimana mana, mungkin belakang window IE komputer kau ini pun ada. Cuba tekan minimize tengok, sebab kalau tekan close macam mana kau nak baca blog orang lain pula kan.
Tapi ego aku mengatakan Playlist Di-Raja aku yang paling champion. Habis emosi aku kena main dengan Playlist Di-Raja. Okaylah, at least Playlist Di-Raja sudi nak mainkan emosi aku.
You define your own Playlist Di-Raja. Jangan tarik muka kalau Raihan tiba-tiba buat comeback dalam Playlist Di-Raja aku.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Seni itu subjektif.
Aku ada satu rahsia yang champion nak kongsi. Moga boleh jadi inspirasi untuk memulakan hari kau, kau dan kau.
P.S. Aku copy paste post lama. Licik tak?
A friend tried to pick a bone and questioned my place of birth with the team I support, especially in the run to last night's match.
I was born and raised up in Kuala Lumpur, and if anything has to go by the place you grew up, I might have to root for Kuala Lumpur football team. But I grew up supporting Selangor, and started giving my soul and watching Selangor's matches when I was 8, so the love was a natural thing.
My friend is a Malaysian of course, born in Johor and grew up in Kuala Lumpur. He took a safe way and decided not to support any Malaysian team. But he lost the bet when I figured out that he is an Arsenal fan although I tried to be positive that he might have actually born in London but the family migrated back to Malaysia just before he could learn some English.
I was particularly disappointed with Safiq Rahim after his recent poor performances, primarily in Malaysia-Syria friendly international, and looking at the credential he garnered last year when playing with KL-PLUS, I felt he needed more than a reason not to emulate the fantastic one year stint he had.
Federal Highway is a bitch on weekday evenings, as citizens commute from agora back to home. I had to pick four friends up and if I've known how bad the traffic could get, I'd go out earlier.
As a result, I missed few minutes of the first half and did not get to witness the goal KL scored. I was still driving when a friend texted the goal - which he described as a tactical, set-piece blunder.
It was like something was chasing me from behind. Something very big and ferocious and for some reason the colour was black with long hair and red eyes. I picked up the speed and made it just before Safee Sali equalised.
I was shocked to see Amri Yahyah playing as a pairing striker again with Safee Sali, but I guess when you are playing a team like Kuala Lumpur, you can be a little bit flexible. Liew Kit Kong was again upsetting, and substitute Amirul Hadi Zainal made me lose a bet I made with my friend.
Not playing his best game, Amirul Hadi lost it and he needs to bounce back more than he did on the training ground to regain his statue in the first eleven. I don't call him Malaysia's Yossi Benayoun for nothing.
But every Selangor fan was a winner when Safiq Rahim rose to the occasion and produced brilliance from the centre half to create chances after chances, and one of it met Amri Yahyah at one end, and the captain brilliantly chipped the ball to take Selangor on the lead.
Selangor played simple football all the match around, and skeptics from previous match against Negri Sembilan were shove off to the margins. Superior possession is a key for any football match and last night, Selangor stood taller in that area.
Selangor have to benefit from on-fire R. Surendran in the next matches, with the striker again showed his finishing wizardry with two both brilliant goals in the second half. It was certainly a joy to watch how Selangor incorporated the home game advantage with composed possession, and churning opportunities at will and turning most of them into goals.
I guess this season will be yet another season of silverware for Selangor.
But of course, they have to look for that team from the north.
I have written in a post on how special the year 1996 was for me as a young Selangor fan, and if I had a time machine, I would take myself to that moment I went to see Selangor played Sabah in the final.
But since time traveling has remained an unsolved problems in physics for centuries now, I settled for the DVD of the game someone recorded. Deja vu and I stayed up late watching it and was even trying to look up for myself in the crowd.
It cost me RM10 to get the DVD, and the same feeling Azman Adnan and Mehmet Durakovic gave to me when they had the ball on their feet was priceless.
And it turned out the girl I eyed was not alone. She was with a guy. A guy who wears Armani and drives a Golf GTi, and most importantly, the guy who never checked his wallet before ordering.
Maybe that's the price I have to pay for being a 'Mat Stadium', gua boleh tengok je! Ha ha.
Look at you. Just look in the mirror. Just, just, just look at yourself.
How can you say you are strong when no one has ever punched you in the face?
How can you say you can jump a wall when you haven't been to one?
How can you say you know it all when you never read a line?
How can you say you know how to win a battle when you haven't fought a single soul?
How can you say you know how to love someone when all you want is just to be loved?
Look at you.
You want me to look at you.
But you haven't been looking at yourself long enough.
That's why.
Four churches were attacked in one day and a potential chaotic days ahead is expected. Tony Fernandes is lining up a bid to buy West Ham United.
That was a picture of me and Ayie, taken last year when we watched Malaysia played Manchester United. Church reminds me of Ayie, I just don't know why. He is in the UK now, probably somewhere near St Paul's Cathedral. Ha ha have fun there man!
I finally bought Zaid Ibrahim's 'I, Too, Am Malay' and my room just got its white-collar look with a new printer, now sitting under the light of my age-old table lamp. Old and new combination, the kind of mixture that gave Italy a world cup.
I've settled for a cheaper notebook over a Moleskine and learnt that movie editors are neglected heroes.
Malaysian Super League is kicking off tomorrow and a while after a Facebook status is posted, my car is now ready for Seremban.
It's my fourth time in KLIA in a space of a year. Last few days, it was to send off a certain Haziq Izzat who is now in the freezing East Midlands.
Rafa is now after Marouane Chamakh and Maxi Rodriguez and still not ruling out the possible Nistelrooy-van der Vaart switch to Anfield. It is still good news, although they were all to be loaned in, to the expense of Ryan Babel, Andriy Voronin and Andrea Dossena who are going to God-knows-where-and-I-don't-care.
I play football every evening now at the same place I used to play every day 8 years ago. There are so many familiar faces who still give me the same benevolence, and the way they greeted and passed the ball to me make me feel like home again.
The journey within the city is as interesting as the destination. That is why sometimes I don't mind driving in heavy traffic. It gives me time to be with myself, who I was when I left the city and who I want to be now that I am back.
It is full of stories in the city, and wanting to be part of it is a natural thing for me.
Take care all and goodbye now.
Some people I know are a funny lot. They make me laugh easily without having to try much.
Like some of them who think they have succeeded to lie to me, and another who makes up my life story without having to spend their time with me.
Knowing people is a privilege, but some of them just take relationship for granted.
Relationship is not a game you can afford to lose today and work harder to win tomorrow. My mum didn't let me go when I was a little boy and pick me up when I am no longer a worry to shoulder. She works to grow me up everyday because everyday is a battle she needs to win.
I am not perfect, so saying bad things about me doesn't give much space for anyone to give it a doubt. I know myself very well to say that negativity is an easy association with me, so I don't really mind when people starts to rough a hideous picture out of my life.
But some other people just let me go because of the weight I carry, and they leave marks on my face for other people to see, and yet still expecting the privilege from me.
It can tick some people off, including myself. And I could brush off the stain, hold the knuckle and stand up to fight.
But It is good news for them because I don't fight pointless battles. So I would laugh at myself, and move on, because if it is that easy to draw a bad picture of myself, then I have only myself to blame for not looking good.